What is Monero XMR?

What is Monero?

Monero is a secure, private and untraceable currency system.

Monero uses a special kind of cryptography to ensure that all of its transactions remain 100% unlinkable and untraceable. In an increasingly transparent world, you can see why something like Monero can become so desirable.

How has XMR fared in 2017? 
$1.58 to $400 not bad at all 

Why XMR is better than BTC and BCH?
  • XMR is decentralized 
  • XMR is ASIC resistant ( no centralized mining problem like BTC has in China)
  • Dynamic blocks which solves scability problem 
  • XMR is private which bitcoin you can see transfer data ( with more regulation this would be key Even FBI has said it's hard to track transactions here )  
  • XMR is fungible which avoids tainted coins problem in Bitcoin

Where can you buy XMR?

Other Platforms:

Can you mine XMR?
Yes just use your browser and hash ( you also get credits for inviting people)

Link:  https://noobminer.com/?ref=85s5cbpnJ1

Triggers iOS wallet expected in late december or Jan


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